Hi, my name is Stefania Napolitano and I am an Italian artist, born in Schaffhausen (Switzerland) in 1972 and raised in Naples where I graduated from the "SS Apostoli" Art School.
After graduation I attended the workshops of ceramic masters in Florence, Caserta, and Naples where I acquired the knowledge of complex and particular techniques of forming and decoration, such as slabs, colombino and lathe, which allowed me to give uniqueness to my artifacts. .
my work experience took place especially in Naples (for me, a great and inexhaustible source of inspiration), but it also took place abroad, especially in Burundi, experiences that have increased and enriched my knowledge and the world inner.
Since 2019 I live and work in the Netherlands.
Exhibitions and Festivals
2008: Participation in the Art Fair at the Bramante Church - Rome
2009: Participation in the Art Fair at the Fortezza Di Basso - Florence
2010: Sherwood Radio Festival - Padua
2011; 2012; 2014: Fairy Tale Festival in Campo di Mele - (Lazio)
2012: Craft Festival - Farfa (Lazio)
2016: Participation at the Burundi Art Biennale
2009: "Pulcinellarab I colori oltre la guerra” (Pulcinellaarab Colors beyond the war) -Artgarage "- - Naples
2009: "Pulcinellarab I colori oltre la guerra” (Pulcinellarab - Colors beyond the war) -Eva Luna - Women's Library - Naples
2010: “Personaggi in cerca d’autore” (Characters in search of an author) - Villa Savonarola - Portici (Naples)
2011: "Personaggi…” (Characters ...) - Council Chamber of the Province of Naples (Naples)
2011: "Characters in search of an author" - Lazzarella - Naples
2012: “Personaggi in cerca d’autore” (Characters in search of an author) - Sala S. Chiara Conversano (Bari)
2012: “Personaggi in cerca d’autore” (Characters in search of an author) - "Pulcinellarab I colori oltre la guerra” (Pulcinellarab - Colors beyond the war) -Claylab - Naples
2018: "In Colore" (In-color) - Museum complex of the Art of silk - Church of SS. Filippo and Giacomo - Naples
2020: Exhibition at the Baxkunst art gallery in Sneek (Netherlands - 8 August / 19 September)
Stefania Napolitano - E-mail: Info@schizzart.com - KVK nr. 76203468